Dedicated to the memory of Henry Luk

In honour of Henry Luk - a much loved son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin and friend to many. In his 9 years he touched so many lives and his legacy of kindness continues to live on in all those that knew and loved him, and beyond. Henry was always teaching and inspiring us, from the more usual 9 year old activities of board games (although he played at a level far beyond 9!) and Pokemon GO to his bravery in facing Acute Myeloid Leukaemia and more challenges than many people experience in a lifetime. 

Henry loved dogs, but especially black Labradors. His friendship with the black Labrador trio of Baloo, Doc and Benson, who belonged to close family friends, was so special to see and a frequent conversation topic - he got them Christmas presents each year and they came first in any line up of favourites! His cuddly black Labrador, Blackjack, was a constant and loved companion wherever he went and with every hospital admission. 

On 27th February last year we were heartbroken when Henry took his last breath following his long battle with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia, at the age of 9 years old. Henry always wanted to help others and in Christmas 2021, when asked what he wanted for Christmas, he replied:

'Maybe some lego...and something I can give to people to make them happy.'

In honour of his 11th birthday, on October 1st, it therefore feels a very fitting gift to start raising money to name a black Labrador guide dog puppy 'Henry'. In raising £5000 to name a puppy, Henry will become part a puppy’s life-changing journey, continuing his legacy of kindness and helping others in one of his favourite forms, a black Labrador. 


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